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Wear It--Or Not

07 May 2020 11:35 AM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

Several members have asked that we clearly state the need to wear masks when outside, especially if you are biking or running. Although it seems like common sense and common courtesy, I have had several somewhat heated conversations about this topic.   CCRA has looked into the regulations regarding mask wearing outside. Consistent with everything else we know about the Covid-19, the policies at the local, state and federal levels are consistently vague. While mask wearing outside, for any activity, is encouraged, it is not required if you are socially distant. 

Philadelphia says you don't need a mask outside if you are staying six feet away from others.

 Pennsylvania recommends but does not mandate wearing a mask outdoors

Federal policy (CDC/FEMA) says wear a mask or face covering when you go outside. (NOTE, this guidance expires as of tonight, April 30, at midnight)

The Bicycle Coalition 
(citing CDC guidelines--about to expire tonight) recommends that bikers wear masks and practice social distancing when riding. 

I could not find an organization comparable to the Bicycle Coalition for runners but Philadelphia Runner, a long time CC running supply shop, sponsors several running clubs. On their blog, they cite CDC guidelines (again, about to expire tonight) for mask wearing and share directions on making your own mask.


Bottom Line - although clearly a best practice, wearing a mask outdoors is not required.   Philadelphia guidance stipulates that you must be socially distanced (at least 6' from others) but with no enforcement, this is meaningless.  CCRA will continue to recommend mask wearing but that is all it is, a recommendation.


FAQs about homemade masks

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