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What to do if you are concerned about a new liquor license

10 Oct 2019 12:35 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

Businesses seeking liquor licenses are required to post a large, orange poster, in landscape, when they are seeking a liquor license.  Neighbors within 500 feet have thirty (30) days from the date of posting to protest the license by sending a letter to the state liquor board saying they oppose the license, as the LCB explains here.  Protesting a license starts a process that (as a practical matter) will cause the applicant to contact the protestors to address their concerns (usually, noise, crowding).  CCRA can help you with your protest, if you like.  Call or email the office saying you have a liquor issue.  CCRA itself is UNABLE protest a license application under PA liquor law.  License applicants are NOT required to contact CCRA and usually don't.  Once the poster goes up, YOU have to take action.  Again, CCRA can help you but can't do anything with you. 

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