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The long-postponed Pine and Spruce Repaving, Painting and Bike Lane Switch is Happening

02 Aug 2019 1:47 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

This is the newly repaved Pine Street, everyone in their lane and traffic moving smoothly (for now). Isn't it beautiful? No potholes, clean and clearly marked lanes.  

However, Spruce Street at our end of town is another matter because of much-despised utility coordination. The 1500 block of Spruce Street is scheduled to be complete by September 7, 2019, and the four blocks between 18th and 21st Street will take longer. Please click or tap here for detailed information in the City's press release. 

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1900 Market St, Fl 8, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215.546.6719 | Email


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